In this reflective essay of intellectual autobiography, I respond to a series of questions the journal editor Wei-Ning Xiang asked about my 55-year journey from applied geography to socio-ecological practice research. These are (1) what and/or who had inspired your career most in geography and socio-ecological practice research? (2) Throughout your 55-year academic journey, did you ever reorient your ambitions in scholarly pursuit, or even reinvent yourself in your academic life? What motivated you in each of these instances? (3) How do you measure success in your work? Among many accomplishments, what are the top three that you are most proud of? (4) From your personal experience, what would be the most important attributes for a well-lived, fully realised, and meaningful life? Do you have any tips for maintaining work-life balance? (5) Do you have any specific advice for younger scholars in geography and socio-ecological practice research? (6) What are the three most interesting images reflecting turning points in your career? I hope that my experiences and insights showcased in this essay are helpful to the younger generations of geographers and socio-ecological practice researchers.