Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning and Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles.
Jun-Ting LiChih-Keng ChenHongbin RenPublished in: Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (2024)
This article presents a hierarchical control framework for autonomous vehicle trajectory planning and tracking, addressing the challenge of accurately following high-speed, at-limit maneuvers. The proposed time-optimal trajectory planning and tracking (TOTPT) framework utilizes a hierarchical control structure, with an offline trajectory optimization (TRO) module and an online nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) module. The TRO layer generates minimum-lap-time trajectories using a direct collocation method, which optimizes the vehicle's path, velocity, and control inputs to achieve the fastest possible lap time, while respecting the vehicle dynamics and track constraints. The NMPC layer is responsible for precisely tracking the reference trajectories generated by the TRO in real time. The NMPC also incorporates a preview algorithm that utilizes the predicted future travel distance to estimate the optimal reference speed and curvature for the next time step, thereby improving the overall tracking performance. Simulation results on the Catalunya circuit demonstrated the framework's capability to accurately follow the time-optimal raceline at an average speed of 116 km/h, with a maximum lateral error of 0.32 m. The NMPC module uses an acados solver with a real-time iteration (RTI) scheme, to achieve a millisecond-level computation time, making it possible to implement it in real time in autonomous vehicles.