Haemorrhage is the leading cause of battlefield deaths and second most common cause for civilian mortality worldwide. Biomaterials-based haemostatic agents are used to aid in bleeding stoppage; mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBGs) are candidates for haemostasis. Previously made Tantalum-containing MBG (Ta-MBG) powders' compositions were fabricated as electrospun fibres for haemostatic applications in the present study. The fibres were fabricated to address the challenges associated with the powder form: difficult to compress without gauze, getting washed away in profuse bleeding, generating dust in the surgical environment, and forming thick callus-difficult to remove for surgeons and painful for patients. Ta-MBGs were based on (80- x )SiO 2 -15CaO-5P 2 O 5 - x Ta 2 O 5 mol% compositions with x = 0 (0Ta), 0.5 (0.5Ta), 1 (1Ta), and 5 (5Ta) mol%. The present study details the fibres' in vitro analyses, elucidating their cytotoxic effects, and haemostatic capabilities and relating these observations to fibre chemistry and previously fabricated powders of the same glasses. As expected, when Ta addition is increased at the expense of silica, a new FTIR peak (non-bridging oxygen-silicon, Si-NBO) develops and Si-O-Si peaks become wider. Compared to 0Ta and 1Ta fibres, 0.5Ta show Si-O peaks with reduced intensity. The fibres had a weaker intensity of Si-NBO peaks and release fewer ions than powders. A reduced ion profile provides fibres with a stable matrix for clot formation. The ion release profile for 1Ta and 5Ta fibres was significantly lower than 0Ta and 0.5Ta fibres. Ta-MBGs were not found to be cytotoxic to primary rat fibroblasts using a methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay. Furthermore, a modified activated partial thromboplastin time assay analysing the fibrin absorbance showed that the absorption increases from physiological clotting < 0Ta < 0.5Ta < 5Ta < commercial haemostat, Surgical SNoW TM , Ethicon, USA < 1Ta. Higher absorption signifies a stronger clot. It is concluded that Ta-MBG fibres can provide stable matrix for clot formation and 1Ta can potentially enhance clotting best among other Ta-MBGs.