New host and geographical records for Parafilaroides normani (Nematoda: Filaroididae) Dailey, 2009 in South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis, from southern Brazil.

J EcheniqueE PereiraJ PradoA L SchildAna Luisa Schifino Valente
Published in: Journal of helminthology (2020)
Lungworms are a common finding in seals and fur seals around the world. However, from existing records, the biogeographical distribution of filaroid helminths appears to be restricted, and these parasites are endemic in only certain areas and species, mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. The occurrence of infection in pinniped species in the Southern Hemisphere is scarce. The objective of this work is to verify the prevalence of lungworms in Arctocephalus australis in waters off the southern coast of Brazil. Twenty subadult specimens of A. australis found recently dead on the southern coast of Brazil were necropsied and their lungs were examined. Parasitic cysts were found in only one specimen (prevalence of 5%). The helminths were morphologically identified as Parafilaroides normani (Metastrongyloidea: Filaroididae). This helminth species has been reported in pinnipeds from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. This is the first record of P. normani in A. australis and for the western South Atlantic, providing additional data regarding the biogeographic distribution of the parasite.