Remarkable shifts of Csp2 -H and O-H stretching frequencies and stability of complexes of formic acid with formaldehydes and thioformaldehydes.
Nguyen Tien TrungPham Ngoc KhanhAlfredo J Palace CarvalhoMinh Tho NguyenPublished in: Journal of computational chemistry (2019)
Thirty-six stable complexes of formic acid with formaldehydes and thioformaldehydes were determined on the potential energy surface, in which the XCHO···HCOOH complexes are found to be more stable than the XCHS···HCOOH counterparts, with X = H, F, Cl, Br, CH3 , NH2 . All complexes are stabilized by hydrogen bonds, and their contribution to the total stabilization energy of the complexes increases in going from C-H···S to C-H···O to O-H···S and finally to O-H···O. Remarkably, a significant blueshift of Csp2 -H bond by 81-96 cm-1 in the Csp2 -H···O hydrogen bond has hardly ever been reported, and a considerable redshift of O-H stretching frequency by 206-544 cm-1 in the O-H···O/S hydrogen bonds is also predicted. The obtained results in our present work and previous literatures support that a distance contraction and a stretching frequency blueshift of C-H bond involving hydrogen bond depend mainly on its polarity and gas phase basicity of proton acceptor, besides the rearrangement of electron density due to complex formation. Markedly, we suggest the ratio of deprotonation enthalpy to proton affinity (R c ) as an indicator to prospect for classification of hydrogen bonds. The symmetry adapted perturbation theory results show a larger role of attractive electrostatic term in XO-n as compared to that in XS-n and the electrostatic interaction is overwhelming dispersion or induction counterparts in stabilizing XO-n and XS-n, with n = 1, 2, 3. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.