Effect of energy requirements in the growth of brain tumor: a theoretical approach.
Dibyajyoti BoruahPublished in: Biomedical physics & engineering express (2021)
A malignant tumor is an uncontrolled growth of tissues receiving energy in form of the nutrients provided by the microvascular networks. It is proposed that the supplied energy to a tumor is used for three purposes: the creation of new cells, maintenance of tumor cells, and tumor volume expansion by overcoming external pressure. A mathematical model studying the effects of energy required for maintenance and overcoming external pressure, the energy required creating a single cell, death rate, and tumor cell density on tumor development has been formulated. Including a term, residual energy for tumor growth in the tumor growth equation, the well-known logistic equation has been re-derived for tumors. Analytical solutions have been developed, and numerical analysis for the growth in brain tumors with the variation of parameters related to energy supply, the energy required for maintenance, and expansion of tumor has been performed. Expressions for the tumor growth rate(r) and carrying capacity(C) of the tumor are formulated in terms of the parameters used in the model. The range of 'r', estimated using our model is found within the ranges of tumor growth rates in gliomas reported by the other researchers. Selecting the model parameters precisely for a particular individual, the tumor growth rate and carrying capacity could be estimated accurately. Our study indicates that the actual growth rate and carrying capacity of a tumor reduce and tumor saturation time increases with the increase of death rate, the energy required for a single cell division, and energy requirement for the tumor cell maintenance.