Spectrum and Density of Gamma and X-ray Induced Mutations in a Non-Model Rice Cultivar.

Joanna Jankowicz-CieslakBernhard J HofingerLuka JarcSini JunttilaBence GalikAttila GyeneseiIvan L IngelbrechtBradley J Till
Published in: Plants (Basel, Switzerland) (2022)
Physical mutagens are a powerful tool used for genetic research and breeding for over eight decades. Yet, when compared to chemical mutagens, data sets on the effect of different mutagens and dosages on the spectrum and density of induced mutations remain lacking. To address this, we investigated the landscape of mutations induced by gamma and X-ray radiation in the most widely cultivated crop species: rice. A mutant population of a tropical upland rice, Oryza sativa L., was generated and propagated via self-fertilization for seven generations. Five dosages ranging from 75 Gy to 600 Gy in both X-ray and gamma-irradiated material were applied. In the process of a forward genetic screens, 11 unique rice mutant lines showing phenotypic variation were selected for mutation analysis via whole-genome sequencing. Thousands of candidate mutations were recovered in each mutant with single base substitutions being the most common, followed by small indels and structural variants. Higher dosages resulted in a higher accumulation of mutations in gamma-irradiated material, but not in X-ray-treated plants. The in vivo role of all annotated rice genes is yet to be directly investigated. The ability to induce a high density of single nucleotide and structural variants through mutagenesis will likely remain an important approach for functional genomics and breeding.