Harmonic Infrared and Raman Spectra in Molecular Environments Using the Polarizable Embedding Model.
Karen Oda Hjorth Minde DundasMaarten T P BeerepootMagnus RingholmSimen ReineRadovan BastNanna Holmgaard ListJacob KongstedKenneth RuudJógvan Magnus Haugaard OlsenPublished in: Journal of chemical theory and computation (2021)
We present a fully analytic approach to calculate infrared (IR) and Raman spectra of molecules embedded in complex molecular environments modeled using the fragment-based polarizable embedding (PE) model. We provide the theory for the calculation of analytic second-order geometric derivatives of molecular energies and first-order geometric derivatives of electric dipole moments and dipole-dipole polarizabilities within the PE model. The derivatives are implemented using a general open-ended response theory framework, thus allowing for an extension to higher-order derivatives. The embedding-potential parameters used to describe the environment in the PE model are derived through first-principles calculations, thus allowing a wide variety of systems to be modeled, including solvents, proteins, and other large and complex molecular environments. Here, we present proof-of-principle calculations of IR and Raman spectra of acetone in different solvents. This work is an important step toward calculating accurate vibrational spectra of molecules embedded in realistic environments.