[The mechanism of stimforte action on herpesvirus infection.]

D G MaldovV L AndronovaS S GrigorianE I IsaevaA A BalakinaAlexei A TerentievA V IlyichevG A Galegov
Published in: Voprosy virusologii (2019)
Increased protease activity and a significant amount of granzyme B were observed in in organs of mice infected with acute herpes simplex virus HSV-1 with the introduction of Stimforte (100 or 250 µg/mouse). Thus, this drug activates killer cells, which play an extremely important role in the suppression of HSV-1 infection. Although the administration of Stimforte (100 μg/mouse) to intact mice results in the activation of IFN-β production and does not activate the production of IFN-λ, Stimforte administration to animals infected with HSV-1 reduces production of IFN-β in serum, brain and lungs, whereas the production of IFN-λ considerably increases as the result of administration of 100 μg/mouse of Stimforte.