Comparison of the efficacy of topical hyperbaric oxygen therapy alone vs a combination of physical methods including topical hyperbaric oxygen therapy, magnetotherapy, and low-energy light therapy in the treatment of venous leg ulcers.
Jarosław PasekSebastian SzajkowskiMikołaj PietrzakGrzegorz CieślarPublished in: Dermatologic therapy (2020)
The aim of the study was to compare the therapeutic efficacy of topical hyperbaric oxygen therapy alone vs a combination of physical methods including topical hyperbaric oxygen therapy, magnetotherapy and low-energy light therapy in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Thirty-six patients were treated with topical oxygen hyperbaria and 29 patients were treated with a combination of physical methods. The assessment of ulcer surface area with use of a planimetric method, pain intensity with use of Laitinen scale and quality of life by means of EuroQol scale were performed. In both groups a statistically significant (P < .05) reduction of ulcer surface area has been obtained, but in patients treated with combined physical therapy average percentage reduction of ulcer surface area (36.44% ± 11.04%) was statistically significantly (P = .00001) bigger as compared to other group (13.65% ± 8.32%). In both groups of patients statistically significant (P < .05) reduction of frequency and intensity of pain, reduced intake of analgesic drugs and reduction of limitations of physical activity, as well as statistically significant improvement of quality of life have been observed, but in patients treated with combined physical therapy an average increase in the score in EuroQoL scale (61.03 ± 7.14) was statistically significantly (P = .00001) bigger as compared to other group (25.27 ± 8.16). It was concluded that topical hyperbaric oxygen therapy alone and a combination of physical methods cause significant reduction of ulcer surface area, reduction of pain intensity, as well as improvement of the quality of life, but a combination of physical methods is more efficient.