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Nonenzymatic Posttranslational Modifications and Peptide Cleavages Observed in Peptide Epimers.

Connor C LongAleksandra AntevskaDavid H MastSamuel OkyemJonathan V SweedlerThanh D Do
Published in: Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (2023)
Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) play vital roles in cellular homeostasis and are implicated in various pathological conditions. This work uses two ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) modalities, drift-tube IMS (DT-IMS) and trapped IMS (TIMS), to characterize three important nonenzymatic PTMs that induce no mass loss: l/d isomerization, aspartate/isoaspartate isomerization, and cis / trans proline isomerization. These PTMs are assessed in a single peptide system, the recently discovered pleurin peptides, Plrn2, from Aplysia californica . We determine that the DT-IMS-MS/MS can capture and locate asparagine deamidation into aspartate and its subsequent isomerization to isoaspartate, a key biomarker for age-related diseases. Additionally, nonenzymatic peptide cleavage via in-source fragmentation is evaluated for differences in the intensities and patterns of fragment peaks between these PTMs. Peptide fragments resulting from in-source fragmentation, preceded by peptide denaturation by liquid chromatography (LC) mobile phase, exhibited cis / trans proline isomerization. Finally, the effects of differing the fragmentation voltage at the source and solution-based denaturation conditions on in-source fragmentation profiles are evaluated, confirming that LC denaturation and in-source fragmentation profoundly impact N-terminal peptide bond cleavages of Plrn2 and the structures of their fragment ions. With that, LC-IMS-MS/MS coupled with in-source fragmentation could be a robust method to identify three important posttranslational modifications: l/d isomerization, Asn-deamidation leading to Asp/IsoAsp isomerization, and cis / trans proline isomerization.