Helios+ and Helios- Treg subpopulations are phenotypically and functionally distinct and express dissimilar TCR repertoires.
Angela M ThorntonJinghua LuPatricia E KortyYong Chan KimCraig MartensPeter D SunEthan M ShevachPublished in: European journal of immunology (2019)
The transcription factor Helios is expressed in a large subset of Foxp3+ Tregs. We previously proposed that Helios is a marker of thymic derived Treg (tTreg), while Helios- Treg were induced from Foxp3- T conventional (Tconv) cells in the periphery (pTreg). To compare the two Treg subpopulations, we generated Helios-GFP reporter mice and crossed them to Foxp3-RFP reporter mice. The Helios+ Treg population expressed a more activated phenotype, had a slightly higher suppressive capacity in vitro and expressed a more highly demethylated TSDR but were equivalent in their ability to suppress inflammatory bowel disease in vivo. However, Helios+ Treg more effectively inhibited the proliferation of activated, autoreactive splenocytes from scurfy mice. When Helios+ and Helios- Treg were transferred to lymphoreplete mice, both populations maintained comparable Foxp3 expression, but Foxp3 expression was less stable in Helios- Treg when transferred to lymphopenic mice. Gene expression profiling demonstrated a large number of differentially expressed genes and showed that Helios- Treg expressed certain genes normally expressed in CD4+ Foxp3- T cells. TCR repertoire analysis indicated very little overlap between Helios+ and Helios- Treg. Thus, Helios+ and Helios- Treg subpopulations are phenotypically and functionally distinct and express dissimilar TCR repertoires.