Critical metallic phase in the overdoped random t - J model.
Maine ChristosDarshan G JoshiSubir SachdevMaria TikhanovskayaPublished in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2022)
We investigate a model of electrons with random and all-to-all hopping and spin exchange interactions, with a constraint of no double occupancy. The model is studied in a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev-like large- M limit with SU( M ) spin symmetry. The saddle-point equations of this model are similar to approximate dynamic mean-field equations of realistic, nonrandom, t - J models. We use numerical studies on both real and imaginary frequency axes, along with asymptotic analyses, to establish the existence of a critical non-Fermi-liquid metallic ground state at large doping, with the spin correlation exponent varying with doping. This critical solution possesses a time-reparameterization symmetry, akin to Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models, which contributes a linear-in-temperature resistivity over the full range of doping where the solution is present. It is therefore an attractive mean-field description of the overdoped region of cuprates, where experiments have observed a linear- T resistivity in a broad region. The critical metal also displays a strong particle-hole asymmetry, which is relevant to Seebeck coefficient measurements. We show that the critical metal has an instability to a low-doping spin-glass phase and compute a critical doping value. We also describe the properties of this metallic spin-glass phase.