A large-scale image dataset of wood surface defects for automated vision-based quality control processes.
Pavel KodytekAlexandra BodzasPetr BilikPublished in: F1000Research (2021)
The wood industry is facing many challenges. The high variability of raw material and the complexity of manufacturing processes results in a wide range of visible structure defects, which have to be controlled by trained specialists. These manual processes are not only tedious and biased, but also less effective. To overcome the drawbacks of the manual quality control processes, several automated vision-based systems have been proposed. Even though some conducted studies achieved a higher recognition rate than trained experts, researchers have to deal with a lack of large-scale databases and authentic data in this field. To address this issue, we performed a data acquisition experiment set in the industrial environment, where we were able to acquire an extensive set of authentic data from a production line. For this purpose, we designed and implemented a complex technical solution suitable for high-speed acquisition during harsh manufacturing conditions. In this data note, we present a large-scale dataset of high-resolution sawn timber surface images containing more than 43 000 labelled surface defects and covering 10 types of the most common wood defects. Moreover, with each image record, we provide two types of labels allowing researchers to perform semantic segmentation, as well as defect classification, and localization.