[Possibilities of local hyperthermia in treatment for edematous breast cancer patients].
O K KurpeshevYu A RagulinS A MozerovA V OrlovaT V LebedevaPublished in: Voprosy onkologii (2019)
The paper presents an analysis of literature on the results of treatment of edematous breast cancer as well as own data on the use of local hyperthermia for this pathology. Local hy- perthermia in combination with chemotherapy (thermochemo- therapy) was applied in 14 patients with secondary edematous breast cancer. Age of patients ranged from 37 to 72 years (mean 53 years). The study results indicate promising applica- tions of thermochemotherapy in edematous breast cancer: for operable patients as neoadjuvant, for inoperable patients as palliative method of treatment.