Plants frequently encounter adverse conditions and stress during their lives. Abscisic acid (ABA) plays a crucial role in response to salt stress, and dynamic regulation of ABA levels is essential for plant growth and stress resistance. In this study, we identified a transcription factor, OsSGL (Oryza sativa Stress tolerance and Grain Length), which acts as a negative regulator in salt stress, controlling ABA synthesis. OsSGL-overexpressing and mutant materials exhibited sensitivity and tolerance to salt stress, respectively. Notably, under salt treatment, several ABA-related genes, including the ABA synthesis enzyme OsNCED3 and the ABA response gene OsRAB21, were bound by OsSGL, leading to the inhibition of their transcription. Additionally, we found that a key enzyme involved in glycolysis, OsGAPC1, interacted with OsSGL and enhanced the inhibitory effect of OsSGL on OsNCED3. Upon salt stress, OsGAPC1 underwent acetylation and then translocated from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, partially alleviating the inhibitory effect of OsSGL on OsNCED3. Identification of the OsGAPC1-OsSGL module revealed a negative regulatory mechanism involved in the response of rice to salt stress. This discovery provides insight into the dynamic regulation of ABA synthesis in plants under salt stress conditions, highlighting the delicate balance between stress resistance and growth regulation.