Prevalence of Anti-JC Virus (JCV) Antibodies in the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Population in Cyprus: A Retrospective Study.
Sakis LambrianidesChristiana A DemetriouAndis TillyrisElena KkolouEftychia GagliaEleni AgkastiniotiEleni LeonidouYiolanda-Panayiota ChristouSavvas S PapacostasKleopas A KleopaTheodoros KyriakidesMarios PantzarisPublished in: Neurology research international (2019)
Overall seroprevalence of anti-JCV antibodies in MS patients in Cyprus using the STRATIFY JCV assay was lower than the worldwide reported mean. Although previously reported, in our study, the anti-JCV antibody seropositivity was not associated with increasing age or sex.