The predictive role of eye movements in mental arithmetic.
Samuel SalvaggioNicolas MassonAlexandre ZénonMichael AndresPublished in: Experimental brain research (2022)
Behavioural studies have suggested that number manipulation involves shifting attention along a left-to-right oriented continuum. However, these studies provide little evidence about the time course of attention shifts during number processing. We used an eye-tracker with high spatio-temporal resolution to measure eye movements during the mental solving of addition (e.g., 43 + 4) and subtraction problems (e.g., 53 - 6), as a proxy for the rightward and leftward attention shifts that accompany these operations. A first difference in eye position was observed as soon as the operator was heard: the hearing of "plus" shifted the eye rightward compared to "minus". A second difference was observed later between problem offset and response onset: addition shifted the eye rightward and upward compared to subtraction, suggesting that the space used to represent the problem is bidimensional. Further analyses confirmed the fast deployment of spatial attention and evidenced its relationship with the carrying and borrowing procedures triggered by the problem presentation. The predictive role of horizontal eye movements, in particular, is essential to understand how attention contributes to narrow down the range of plausible answers. We propose that attention illuminates significant portions of the numerical continuum anticipatively to guide the search of the answer and facilitate the implementation of solving procedures in verbal working memory.