A simple solution to the Rietveld refinement recipe problem.
Brian H TobyPublished in: Journal of applied crystallography (2024)
Rietveld refinements are widely used for many purposes in the physical sciences. Conducting a Rietveld refinement typically requires expert input because correct results may require that parameters be added to the fit in the proper order. This order will depend on the nature of the data and the initial parameter values. A mechanism for computing the next parameter to add to the refinement is shown. The fitting function is evaluated with the current parameter value set and each parameter incremented and decremented by a small offset. This provides the partial derivatives with respect to each parameter, along with information to discriminate meaningful values from numerical computational errors. The implementation of this mechanism in the open-source GSAS-II program is discussed. This new method is discussed as an important step towards the development of automated Rietveld refinement technology.