Speeding is the factor that usually associated with fatal accident. However, riders have tendency to exceed their vehicle's speed above the regulated speed. Therefore, the likelihood of traffic accidents is significantly influenced by braking ability. Unfortunately, the braking capability has not been accommodated properly in the accident risk management, such as riding license obtaining mechanism. This paper focuses on the possibility of the development of riding licensing criteria based on rider's braking capability. The parameters used in the analysis are the safety factor and margin of safety, due to the differences in riders' braking capability. All the input data were collected from the result of previous related studies. Although the sample size is varied but data source was taken from relevant objects studies. The result of this study showed that impact speed and/or rider's involvement in fatal crashes could be reduced by increasing their braking ability. It strongly indicates that each rider should realize that their speed choices should be suited to their braking ability which could be increased during the riding licensing practical test. The utilization of a rider's braking abilities, which could provide a minimum margin of safety, should therefore be taken into consideration as a basis for the criteria used to obtain a riding license.