Utility of Protein Microarrays for Detection of Classified and Novel Antibodies in Autoimmune Neurologic Disease.
Andrew McKeonConnie LesnickNisa VorasootMonica W BuckleySurendra DasariEoin P FlanaganMichael GilliganReghann Lafrance-CoreyRamona MiskeSean J PittockMadeleine ScharfBinxia YangAnastasia ZekeridouDivyanshu DubeyJohn MillsPublished in: Neurology(R) neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation (2023)
Individualized autoimmune neurologic diagnoses may be accelerated using protein arrays. They are optimal for detection of intracellular antigen-reactive antibodies, though certain cell surface-directed antibodies (neurexin-3α and SEZ6L2) may also be detected.