This study assesses different IBV vaccination regimens in broiler chickens using commercially available live attenuated GI-23 (Egyptian-VAR2) and GI-1 (H120) vaccines. Vaccines were administered at 1, 14 days of age, or both. The ciliostasis test, following wild-type VAR2 challenge at 28 days of age, indicated that classic H120+VAR2 at one day old followed by the VAR2 vaccine at 14 days of age provided the highest level of protection (89.58%). Similarly, administering VAR2 at 1 day of age and classic H120 at 14 days of age demonstrated substantial protection (85.42%). Conversely, administering only classic H120 and VAR2 at one day old resulted in the lowest protection level (54.17%). Tracheal virus shedding quantification and assessment of trachea and kidney degenerative changes were significantly lower in vaccinated groups compared to the unvaccinated-challenged group. In conclusion, a carefully planned vaccination regimen based on homologous vaccination offers the most effective clinical protection in broiler chickens.