Antegrade continence enema alone for the management of functional constipation and segmental colonic dysmotility (ACE-FC): A Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium Study.
Hira AhmadCaitlin SmithAmanda WitteKatelyn LewisRon William ReederJose GarzaSarah ZobellKathleen HoffMegan DurhamCasey CalkinsMichael D RollinsLusine AmbartsumyanRebecca Maria RenteaDesale YacobCarlo Di LorenzoMarc A LevittRichard J WoodPublished in: European journal of pediatric surgery : official journal of Austrian Association of Pediatric Surgery ... [et al] = Zeitschrift fur Kinderchirurgie (2023)
In patients with severe functional constipation and documented segmental colonic dysmotility, antegrade continence enema alone is an effective treatment modality at one year follow-up. Patients without pelvic floor dyssynergia on anorectal manometry are more likely to receive colonic resection after ACE. The vast majority of such patients can avoid a colonic resection.