First Case Report of Maternal Mosaic Tetrasomy 9p Incidentally Detected on Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing.

Wendy ShuShirley S W ChengShuwen XueLin Wai ChanSung Inda SoongAnita Sik Yau KanSunny Wai Hung CheungKwong Wai Choy
Published in: Genes (2021)
Tetrasomy 9p (ORPHA:3390) is a rare syndrome, hallmarked by growth retardation; psychomotor delay; mild to moderate intellectual disability; and a spectrum of skeletal, cardiac, renal and urogenital defects. Here we present a Chinese female with good past health who conceived her pregnancy naturally. Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) showed multiple chromosomal aberrations were consistently detected in two sampling times, which included elevation in DNA from chromosome 9p. Amniocentesis was performed and sent for chromosomal microarray, which was normal. Maternal karyotype revealed that mos 47,XX,+dic(9;9)(q21.1;q21.1)(24)/46,XX(9) presents mosaic tetrasomy for the short arm of chromosome 9p and is related to the NIPT results showing elevation in DNA from chromosome 9p. The pregnancy was uneventful, and the patient was delivered at term. Maternal samples were obtained at two different time points after delivery showed the same multiple chromosomal aberrations detected during pregnancy. This is a first report on an unusual case of mosaic isodicentric tetrasomy 9p in a healthy adult with normal intellect. With widespread adoption of NIPT for screening fetal aneuploidy and genome-wide copy number changes, a rise in incidental detection of maternal rare genetic syndrome will bring challenges in our current approach to genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis.