Divergent Task Performance in Older Adults: Declarative Memory or Creative Potential?

Susan A LeonLori Jp AltmannLise AbramsLeslie J Gonzalez RothiKenneth M Heilman
Published in: Creativity research journal (2014)
Divergent thinking is the ability to produce a range of responses or solutions and is an element of creative processing. Divergent thinking requires disengagement, the ability to associate between words or ideas, and the production of responses. Lesion and imaging studies have shown frontal-lobe involvement for these activities, and frontal lobe function is highly dependent on white matter pathways. Normal aging often results in deficits in functions controlled by the frontal lobes as well as decrements in white matter connectivity. The objectives of this study were to compare non time-constrained tasks of verbal divergent processing in young adults (YAs) and older adults (OAs) and correlate performance with tasks of working memory, language ability, and disengagement/inhibition. Participants were 30 YAs and 30 OAs. Contrary to the a priori hypothesis, OAs produced significantly more unique responses than YAs, although total fluency was not significantly different. Correlational analyses examining the groups together and separately revealed a number of differences suggesting that the groups were utilizing different underlying cognitive abilities to complete these tasks. The authors propose that the primary factor resulting in higher uniqueness scores for the OAs was a greater wealth of experience as well as longer exposure to language use.