Breathable Vapor Toxicant Barriers Based on Multilayer Graphene Oxide.
Ruben Spitz SteinbergMichelle CruzNaser G A MahfouzYang QiuRobert H HurtPublished in: ACS nano (2017)
There is tremendous interest in graphene-based membranes as protective molecular barriers or molecular sieves for separation technologies. Graphene oxide (GO) films in the dry state are known to be effective barriers for molecular transport and to expand in the presence of moisture to create enlarged intersheet gallery spaces that allow rapid water permeation. Here we explore an application for GO membranes as water-breathable barrier layers for personal protective equipment, which are designed to allow outward perspiration while protecting the wearer from chemical toxicants or biochemical agents in the local environment. A device was developed to measure permeation rates of small-molecular toxicants in the presence of counter-current water flow simulating active perspiration. The technique was applied to trichloroethylene (TCE) and benzene, which are important environmental toxicants, and ethanol as a limiting case to model very small, highly water-soluble organic molecules. Submicron GO membranes are shown to be effective TCE barriers, both in the presence and absence of simulated perspiration flux, and to outperform current barrier technologies. A molecular transport model is developed, which suggests the limited toxicant back-permeation observed occurs not by diffusion against the convective perspiration flow in hydrophobic channels, but rather through oxidized domains where hydrogen-bonding produces a near-stagnant water phase. Benzene and ethanol permeation fluxes are higher than those for TCE, likely reflecting the effects of higher water solubility and smaller minimum molecular dimension. Overall, GO films have high water breathability relative to competing technologies and are known to exclude most classes of target toxicants, including particles, bacteria, viruses, and macromolecules. The present results show good barrier performance for some very small-molecule species, but not others, with permeation being favored by high water solubility and small minimum molecular dimension.