A Narrative Review of Personalized Musculoskeletal Modeling Using the Physiome and Musculoskeletal Atlas Projects.
Justin FernandezVickie B ShimMarco T-Y SchneiderJulie ChoisneGeoffrey G HandsfieldTed YeungJu ZhangPeter J HunterThor F BesierPublished in: Journal of applied biomechanics (2023)
In this narrative review, we explore developments in the field of computational musculoskeletal model personalization using the Physiome and Musculoskeletal Atlas Projects. Model geometry personalization; statistical shape modeling; and its impact on segmentation, classification, and model creation are explored. Examples include the trapeziometacarpal and tibiofemoral joints, Achilles tendon, gastrocnemius muscle, and pediatric lower limb bones. Finally, a more general approach to model personalization is discussed based on the idea of multiscale personalization called scaffolds.