Fungicolous Fungi on Pseudosclerotial Plates and Apothecia of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Their Biocontrol Potential.
Tadeusz KowalskiPiotr BilańskiPublished in: Microorganisms (2022)
In the present work, research tasks were carried out in the search for fungi with potential biocontrol possibilities in relation to the ash dieback pathogen, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus . In the years 2012-2021, dead petioles of F. excelsior and F. mandshurica were collected, on which morphological structures of H. fraxineus showed unusual symptoms of dying (apothecia) and signs of colonization by other fungi (pseudosclerotial plates). Based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic data, 18 fungal taxa were identified. Thirteen of them belong to Ascomycota: Clonostachys rosea , Cl. solani , Cordyceps sp., Minimidochium sp., Nemania diffusa , Fusarium sp., Pestalotiopsis sp., Trichoderma atroviride , T. harzianum , T. polysporum , T. rodmanii , T. tomentosum , Trichoderma sp., and five other taxa are represented by Basidiomycota: Corticiales sp., Cyathus olla , Efibula sp., Gymnopus sp. and Polyporales sp. In 108 dual cultures in vitro, three different types of interactions were distinguished: (i) physical colony contact (5.6%), (ii) presence of an inhibition zone between the colonies (0.9%), and (iii) copartner overgrowth of H. fraxineus colonies and partial or complete replacement of the pathogen (93.5%). In the dual cultures, various morphological deformations of H. fraxineus hyphae were observed: the development of apical or intercalary cytoplasmic extrusions, development of internal hyphae of the test fungi in pathogens' hyphae, the deformation and disruption of significant sections of H. fraxineus hyphae via lysis and mycoparasitism, complete desolation of H. fraxineus cells and breakdown of hyphae into short fragments, and disappearing of pigment in the affected hyphae of H. fraxineus . The inoculation tests performed in vivo or in glass Petrie dishes showed that all the identified taxa were able to lead to pathological changes in H. fraxineus apothecia, and the mycelium of some of them completely covered pseudosclerotial plates of H. fraxineus . It was emphasized in the discussion that such activity of these fungi in forest stands may contribute to the reduction in the H. fraxineus inoculum reservoir.