Laparoscopic reversible occlusion of uterine arteries and cornuostomy for advanced interstitial pregnancy.
Simone GarzonAntonio Simone LaganàPaola PominiRicciarda RaffaelliFabio GhezziMassimo FranchiPublished in: Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : MITAT : official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy (2018)
During laparoscopic enucleation of an interstitial pregnancy, adequate hemostatic control is of paramount importance due to the high vascularization of the uterine cornus. However, no consensus or guidance exists regarding the optimal hemostatic technique. We report laparoscopic reversible uterine arteries occlusion as hemostatic technique during laparoscopic enucleation by cornuostomy of an interstitial pregnancy at advanced gestational age (46 × 40 mm gestational sac). Preliminary identification of the uterine arteries and bilateral reversible occlusion by Hem-o-Lok clips allowed bleeding control during surgery. The laparoscopic procedure was performed without complications and with limited blood loss. The reported case reinforces the feasibility of this minimally invasive technique in interstitial pregnancy.