The Lived Experiences of Spousal Bereavement and Adjustment Among Older Chinese Immigrants in Calgary.
Qianyun WangChristine A WalshHongmei TongPublished in: Journal of cross-cultural gerontology (2023)
Spousal bereavement poses considerable challenges to adults in late life. Some populations, such as older immigrants, may experience heightened negative outcomes as a consequence of spousal bereavement, due to migratory stress and social isolation. Spousal bereavement is culturally embedded as it is related to cultural beliefs and attitudes concerning death and family relationships. However, studies on spousal bereavement or widowhood among older immigrants are extremely limited. This study aims to fill the gap by exploring, via a phenomenological approach, the lived experiences of widowed older Chinese immigrants in Calgary and responding to the question: What are the lived experiences of widowed Chinese older immigrants in coping with their spousal bereavement? With the data drawn from 12 in-depth qualitative interviews, findings were categorized into individual, family, community and societal levels. Study participants experienced long-lasting grief that was private and impacted by their culture and immigration status. Although family and ethno-cultural communities provided various types of supports during participants' widowhood, they did not directly assist them in coping with spousal loss. Most participants did not access social services for bereavement support, more often relying on cultural rituals and faith practices. Findings suggest the need for culturally appropriate bereavement supports and family/community involvement for older immigrant adults who have experienced spousal loss.