Affecting the eccrine glands, granulosis rubra nasi (GRN) is an inherited disorder that manifests itself as redness, sweating, and papules distributed mainly in the center of the face. It is diagnosed clinically and the cornerstone of management is reassurance and education about the benign nature of the condition. A wide array of treatment modalities has been proposed, such as Botox and corticosteroids injections; however curative measures are yet to be discovered. In this paper, we present a case of a 26-year-old man complaining of chronic nose sweating. The case was successfully managed with Botox injections, though we suggested our theory of undercutting the glands through aggressive defatting as part of open rhinoplasty to the patient; he declined our suggested modality. It remains an untested option and caution should be exercised in high-risk patients to avoid compromising blood supply to the skin and risking skin necrosis.