On the sensitivity of centrality metrics.
Lucia CavallaroPasquale De MeoGiacomo FiumaraAntonio LiottaPublished in: PloS one (2024)
Despite the huge importance that the centrality metrics have in understanding the topology of a network, too little is known about the effects that small alterations in the topology of the input graph induce in the norm of the vector that stores the node centralities. If so, then it could be possible to avoid re-calculating the vector of centrality metrics if some minimal changes occur in the network topology, which would allow for significant computational savings. Hence, after formalising the notion of centrality, three of the most basic metrics were herein considered (i.e., Degree, Eigenvector, and Katz centrality). To perform the simulations, two probabilistic failure models were used to describe alterations in network topology: Uniform (i.e., all nodes can be independently deleted from the network with a fixed probability) and Best Connected (i.e., the probability a node is removed depends on its degree). Our analysis suggests that, in the case of degree, small variations in the topology of the input graph determine small variations in Degree centrality, independently of the topological features of the input graph; conversely, both Eigenvector and Katz centralities can be extremely sensitive to changes in the topology of the input graph. In other words, if the input graph has some specific features, even small changes in the topology of the input graph can have catastrophic effects on the Eigenvector or Katz centrality.