The Extremely Brilliant Source storage ring of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.

Pantaleo RaimondiChamseddine BenabderrahmanePaul BerkvensJean Claude BiasciPawel BorowiecJean-Francois BouteilleThierry BrochardNicholas B BrookesNicola CarmignaniLee R CarverJean-Michel ChaizeJoel ChavanneStefano ChecchiaYuriy ChushkinFilippo CianciosiMarco Di MichielRudolf DimperAlessandro D'EliaDieter EinfeldFriederike EwaldLaurent FarvacqueLoys GoirandLaurent HardyJorn JacobLaurent JollyMichael KrischGael Le BecIsabelle LeconteSimone M LiuzzoCristian MaccarroneThierry MarchialDavid MartinMohamed MezouarChristian NevoThomas PerronEric PlouviezHarald ReichertPascal RenaudJean-Luc RevolBenoît RocheKees-Bertus ScheidtVincent SerriereFrancesco SetteJean SusiniLaura TorinoReine VersteegenSimon WhiteFederico Zontone
Published in: Communications physics (2023)
The Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS) is the experimental implementation of the novel Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat (HMBA) storage ring magnetic lattice concept, which has been realised at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. We present its successful commissioning and first operation. We highlight the strengths of the HMBA design and compare them to the previous designs, on which most operational synchrotron X-ray sources are based. We report on the EBS storage ring's significantly improved horizontal electron beam emittance and other key beam parameters. EBS extends the reach of synchrotron X-ray science confirming the HMBA concept for future facility upgrades and new constructions.