Get reliable laboratory findings - how to recognize the deceptive effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy in the laboratory diagnostics of sarcoidosis?
Attila Ádám SzabóEnikő Edit EnyediIstván Tibor AltorjayPéter HajnalTamás Bence PintérIvetta Siket MányinéCsongor VáradiEmese BányaiAttila TóthZoltán PappMiklós FagyasPublished in: Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine (2024)
Our study revealed that the use of ACEi is common in patients with suspected sarcoidosis. The ACE activity lowering effect of ACEi drugs may escape the attention of medical teams which can lead to diagnostic errors and unnecessary tests. Nevertheless, these pitfalls can be avoided by using a method suggested by our team.