The physical determinants of maximal jumping time of flight in elite trampolining.
Natalie DyasDavid GreenKevin ThomasEsme MatthewGlyn HowatsonPublished in: European journal of sport science (2023)
Abstract Time of flight (ToF) is an objective scoring component of elite trampolining, assessed in training by maximal jump tests. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between physical floor based performance meaures and 20-maximum ToF. Thirty two elite level gymnasts (13 senior; 19 junior) performed a battery of floor based tests and a 20-maximum jump test. Floor based tests included cycling peak power output, reactive strength index (RSI), unloaded countermovement jumps (CMJ), and loaded CMJ's to construct a load-velocity profile for prediction of theoretical maximum force (CMJ F 0 ). Very large and large, positive bivariate relationships were observed between CMJ F 0 and ToF for the seniors (r = 0.85) and juniors (r = 0.56), respectively. Very large, positive bivariate relationships were observed between CMJ height and total ToF for both seniors (r = 0.74) and juniors (r = 0.77). Step-wise multiple regression analyses revealed CMJ F 0 predicted 72% of ToF variability between seniors, and CMJ height (59%), 10 to 5 RSI (13%), and CMJ F 0 (10%) predicting 82% of ToF variability between juniors. This suggests CMJ F 0, lower limb maximal isometric capabilities, and CMJ height are important floor based predictors of maximal ToF in elite gymnasts.