Peri-appendicular Abscess in a Spigelian Hernia.

Rany AounRhea AkelRoger NounGhassan Chakhtoura
Published in: Surgery journal (New York, N.Y.) (2022)
Background  Spigelian hernias are a rare type of lateral ventral abdominal hernia and their content can include any of the intra-abdominal organs. Many cases have described the presence of a variety of abdominal organs in Spigelian hernias, but only few cases report the presence of an incarcerated appendicitis. Imaging is an important step in the diagnosis to avoid the lack of knowledge in such cases. Surgical treatment can be through open or laparoscopic approach, with or without using a mesh according to the size of the defect. Case Report  We report a case of an 82-year-old patient who presented with an acute appendicitis with peri-appendicular abscess strangulated in a right Spigelian hernia. The patient was successfully treated by a laparoscopic appendectomy, a surgical drainage of the abscess, and direct muscle approximation without using of mesh due to inflammation. Conclusion  Spigelian hernias with acute appendicitis in their content are a very rare condition. Clinical diagnosis is usually difficult and challenging and computed tomography scan is the imaging modality of choice. The treatment is surgical.