The origin of methanogenesis can be traced to the common ancestor of non-DPANN archaea, whereas haloarchaea (or Halobacteria) are believed to have evolved from a methanogenic ancestor through multiple evolutionary events. However, due to the accelerated evolution and compositional bias of proteins adapting to hypersaline habitats, Halobacteria exhibit substantial evolutionary divergence from methanogens, and the identification of the closest methanogen (either Methanonatronarchaeia or other taxa) to Halobacteria remains a subject of debate. Here, we obtained five metagenome-assembled genomes with high completeness from soda-saline lakes on the Ordos Plateau in Inner Mongolia, China, and we proposed the name Candidatus Ordosarchaeia for this novel class. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Ca. Ordosarchaeia is firmly positioned near the median position between the Methanonatronarchaeia and Halobacteria-Hikarchaeia lineages. Functional predictions supported the transitional status of Ca. Ordosarchaeia with the metabolic potential of nonmethanogenic and aerobic chemoheterotrophy, as did remnants of the gene sequences of methylamine/dimethylamine/trimethylamine metabolism and coenzyme M biosynthesis. Based on the similarity of the methyl-coenzyme M reductase genes mcrBGADC in Methanonatronarchaeia with the phylogenetically distant methanogens, an alternative evolutionary scenario is proposed, in which Methanonatronarchaeia, Ca. Ordosarchaeia, Ca. Hikarchaeia, and Halobacteria share a common ancestor that initially lost mcr genes. However, certain members of Methanonatronarchaeia subsequently acquired mcr genes through horizontal gene transfer from distantly related methanogens. This hypothesis is supported by amalgamated likelihood estimation, phylogenetic analysis, and gene arrangement patterns. Altogether, Ca. Ordosarchaeia genomes clarify the sisterhood of Methanonatronarchaeia with Halobacteria and provide new insights into the evolution from methanogens to haloarchaea.