Cultural contributions to adults' self-rated mental health problems and strengths: 7 culture clusters, 28 societies, 16 906 adults.
William E CopelandMasha Y IvanovaThomas M AchenbachLori V TurnerGuangyu TongAdelina Ahmeti-PronajAlma AuMonica BellinaJ Carlos CaldasYi-Chuen ChenLadislav CsemyMarina M da RochaAnca DobreanLourdes EzpeletaYasuko FunabikiValerie S HarderFelipe LecannelierMarie Leiner de la CabadaPatrick LeungJianghong LiuSafia MahrSergey MalykhJasminka MarkovicDavid M NdeteiKyung Ja OhJean-Michel PetotGeylan RiadDirenc SakaryaVirginia C SamaniegoSandra SebreMimoza ShahiniEdwiges SilvaresRoma SimulionieneElvisa SokoliJoel B TalcottNatalia VazquezTomasz WolanczykEwa ZasepaPublished in: Psychological medicine (2023)
Overall, adults' self-ratings of mental health problems and strengths were associated much more with individual differences than societal/cultural differences, although this varied across scales. These findings support cross-cultural use of standardized measures to assess mental health problems, but urge caution in assessment of personal strengths.