Symposium Introduction: Recent Progress and Current Challenges in Wine Analytical Sciences.
Véronique CheynierPhilippe DarrietFulvio MattiviPublished in: Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (2021)
Œnology in its scientific dimension makes it possible to bring together a large community of researchers from various fields of expertise to share their knowledge and experience around wine. Two international meetings, the 11th International Œnology Symposium and In Vino Analytica Scientia 2019, were exceptionally held in the context of a joint organization under a common title ŒnoIVAS 2019, in Bordeaux, France, in June 2019. The conferences were attended by 350 delegates, from 24 countries, who shared different aspects of wine and spirits research, with 7 invited lectures, 71 oral communications, and over 200 posters. This special issue is a collection of full papers from a selection of contributed oral presentations and posters presented at the conference.