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Demonstration of event position reconstruction based on diffusion in the NEXT-white detector.

J HaefnerK E NavarroR GuenetteB J P JonesA TripathiC AdamsH AlmazánV ÁlvarezB AparicioA I AranburuL AraziI J ArnquistF Auria-LunaS AyetC D R AzevedoK BaileyF BallesterM Del Barrio-TorregrosaA BayoJ M Benlloch-RodríguezF I G M BorgesA BrodolinN ByrnesS CárcelJ V CarriónS CebriánE ChurchL CidC A N CondeT ContrerasF P CossíoE DeyG DíazT DickelM ElorzaJ EscadaR EsteveR FelkaiL M P FernandesP FerrarioA L FerreiraF W FossE D C FreitasZ FreixaJ GenerowiczA GoldschmidtJ J Gómez-CadenasR GonzálezJ GrocottK HafidiJ HauptmanC A O HenriquesJ A Hernando MorataP Herrero-GómezV HerreroC Hervés CarreteY IferganL LabargaL LarizgoitiaA LarumbeP LebrunF LopezN López-MarchR MadiganR D P ManoA P MarquesJ Martín-AlboG Martínez-LemaM Martínez-VaraZ E MezianiR L MillerK MistryJ Molina-CanterasF MonrabalC M B MonteiroF J MoraJ Muñoz VidalP NovellaA NuñezD R NygrenE OblakJ PalacioB PalmeiroA ParaI ParmaksizJ PelegrinM Pérez ManeiroM QuerolA B RedwineJ RennerI RivillaJ RodríguezC RogeroL RogersB RomeoC Romo-LuqueF P SantosJ M F Dos SantosI ShomroniA SimónS R SoletiM SorelJ Soto-OtonJ M R TeixeiraJ F ToledoJ TorrentA TrettinA UsónJ F C A VelosoJ WaitonJ T White
Published in: The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (2024)
Noble element time projection chambers are a leading technology for rare event detection in physics, such as for dark matter and neutrinoless double beta decay searches. Time projection chambers typically assign event position in the drift direction using the relative timing of prompt scintillation and delayed charge collection signals, allowing for reconstruction of an absolute position in the drift direction. In this paper, alternate methods for assigning event drift distance via quantification of electron diffusion in a pure high pressure xenon gas time projection chamber are explored. Data from the NEXT-White detector demonstrate the ability to achieve good position assignment accuracy for both high- and low-energy events. Using point-like energy deposits from 83m Kr calibration electron captures ( E ∼ 45  keV), the position of origin of low-energy events is determined to 2 cm precision with bias < 1 mm. A convolutional neural network approach is then used to quantify diffusion for longer tracks ( E ≥ 1.5  MeV), from radiogenic electrons, yielding a precision of 3 cm on the event barycenter. The precision achieved with these methods indicates the feasibility energy calibrations of better than 1% FWHM at Q ββ in pure xenon, as well as the potential for event fiducialization in large future detectors using an alternate method that does not rely on primary scintillation.
  • convolutional neural network
  • image quality
  • magnetic resonance imaging
  • computed tomography
  • machine learning
  • solar cells
  • climate change
  • risk assessment
  • current status
  • ionic liquid
  • sensitive detection