Cnidofest 2022: hot topics in cnidarian research.

James M GahanPaulyn CartwrightMatthew L NicotraChristine E SchnitzlerPatrick R H SteinmetzCelina E Juliano
Published in: EvoDevo (2023)
The second annual Cnidarian Model Systems Meeting, aka "Cnidofest", took place in Davis, California from 7 to 10th of September, 2022. The meeting brought together scientists using cnidarians to study molecular and cellular biology, development and regeneration, evo-devo, neurobiology, symbiosis, physiology, and comparative genomics. The diversity of topics and species represented in presentations highlighted the importance and versatility of cnidarians in addressing a wide variety of biological questions. In keeping with the spirit of the first meeting (and its predecessor, Hydroidfest), almost 75% of oral presentations were given by early career researchers (i.e., graduate students and postdocs). In this review, we present research highlights from the meeting.