pmparser and PMDB: resources for large-scale, open studies of the biomedical literature.

Joshua L SchoenbachlerJacob J Hughey
Published in: PeerJ (2021)
PubMed is an invaluable resource for the biomedical community. Although PubMed is freely available, the existing API is not designed for large-scale analyses and the XML structure of the underlying data is inconvenient for complex queries. We developed an R package called pmparser to convert the data in PubMed to a relational database. Our implementation of the database, called PMDB, currently contains data on over 31 million PubMed Identifiers (PMIDs) and is updated regularly. Together, pmparser and PMDB can enable large-scale, reproducible, and transparent analyses of the biomedical literature. pmparser is licensed under GPL-2 and available at PMDB is available in both PostgreSQL (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4008109) and Google BigQuery (