Performance and impact of rapid multiplex PCR on diagnosis and treatment of ventilated hospital-acquired pneumonia in patients with extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales rectal carriage.
Pierre BayVincent FihmanPaul-Louis WoertherBastien PeifferSégolène GendreauRomain ArrestierPascale LabedadeElsa MoncombleAntoine GailletGuillaume CarteauxNicolas de ProstArmand Mekontso DessapKeyvan RazaziPublished in: Annals of intensive care (2024)
showed an excellent diagnostic value to rule out the diagnosis of ESBL-E related pneumonia in ESBL-E carriers with suspected VAP/vHAP. In addition, in patients with confirmed VAP/vHAP, a mPCR-based antibiotic therapy was associated with an increased prescription of adequate empirical antibiotic therapy. Performing mPCR on respiratory samples seems to be a promising tool in ESBL-E carriers with suspected vHAP/VAP. However, if mPCR is used in very low pre-test clinical probability of pneumonia, due to the high sensitivity and the rate of overdiagnosed pneumonia, the risk of overconsumption of carbapenem may prevail. Further studies are warranted.