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Binomial Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network Methods to Classify Opioid-Dependent Subjects and Control Group Using Quantitative EEG Power Measures.

Türker Tekin ErgüzelCemal Onur NoyanGul EryilmazBarış Önen ÜnsalverMerve CebiCumhur TasNesrin DilbazNevzat Tarhan
Published in: Clinical EEG and neuroscience (2019)
Logistic regression (LR) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) are widely referred approaches in medical data classification studies. LR, a statistical fitting model, is suggested in medical problems because of its well-established methodology and coefficients contributing to the evaluation of clinical interpretations. ANNs are graphical models structured with node networks interconnected with arcs each of which is expressed in terms of weights discovered throughout the modeling process. Since ANNs have a complex structure with its layers and nodes in the layers, which provides ANNs the ability to model any data with complex relationships. Among the various models having origins in statistics and computer science, LR and ANNs have prevailed in the area of mass medical data classification. In this study, we introduce the 2 aforementioned approaches in order to generate a model dichotomizing 75 opioid-dependent patients and 59 control subjects from each other. Quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) absolute power value of each electrode were calculated for 4 consecutive frequency bands namely delta, theta, alpha, and beta with the frequencies, 0.5 to 4, 4 to 8, 8 to 12, and 12 to 20 Hz, respectively. Significant independent variables contributing to the classification were underlined in LR while a feature selection (FS) method, genetic algorithm, is being applied to the ANN model to reveal more informative features. The performances of the classifiers were finally compared considering overall classification accuracies, area under receiver operating characteristic curve scores, and Gini coefficient. Although ANN-based classifier outperformed compared with LR, both models performed satisfactorily for absolute power measure in beta frequency band. Our results underline the potential benefit of the introduced methodology is promising and is to be treated as a clinical interface in dichotomizing substance use disorders subjects and for other medical data analysis studies.