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[Comparative evaluation of effectiveness and safety of the local hemostatic agents in the experiment].

L M SamokhvalovV A RevaA V DenisovS Yu TelitskiiV N AdamenkoA A ChurkinA B YudinI P Yablokov
Published in: Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal (2019)
Comparative evaluation of effectivennes and safety of the local hemostatic agents in the experiment. On the model side damage the femoral artery of pigs we performed a comperative test of modern local hemostatic agents (LHA): bandages on the basis of chitosan <<Tseloks Goz >> (TG), eGemofleks Combat> (GC), <GemoBandazh)> (GB) bandages on kaolin-based <<Combat- Goz>> (CG), and the usual bandage 10 cm x 3 m (control group). 25 animals were divided equally into 5 groups. After 45 seconds of bleeding from 6-mm side wound of femoral artery was used LHA with a three-minute external compression and wound edges approximation. In the case of the continuation-bleeding wounds performed re-tamponade with the second package of the LHA. Hemostasis after applying the first packet never recorded in the CG group, occurred in I out of 5 animals in the groups TG and GC, 2 of 5 animals in the group GB and the control group (p>0,05). Application of two packages LHA in the TG group, GB and the control group was effective in 3 of 5 animals and in groups CG and GC - in 2 of 5 animals (p>0,05). Mortality did not differ significantly between the groups. Thus, the conventional bandage wound with ordinary tamponade in this model is not less effective than current LHA.