MOG antibodies in adults with a first demyelinating event suggestive of multiple sclerosis.

Javier Villacieros-ÁlvarezCarmen EspejoGeorgina ArrambideMireia CastilloPere Carbonell-MirabentMarta RodriguezLuca BolloJoaquín CastillóManuel Comabella LopezIngrid GalánLuciana MidagliaNeus MongayCarlos NosJordi RioBreogan Rodríguez-AcevedoJaume Sastre-GarrigaCarmen TurAngela Vidal-JordanaAndreu VilasecaAnna ZabalzaCristina AugerÀlex RoviraXavier MontalbanMar TintoréÁlvaro Cobo-Calvo
Published in: Annals of neurology (2023)
MOG-Ab are infrequent in adults with a first demyelinating event suggestive of MS. However, based on our results, we suggest determining these antibodies, as long as the brain MRI is not suggestive of MS. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.