In the present study, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of olfactory ganglioneuroblastoma in a dog were compared to those of canine olfactory neuroepithelia and neuroblastomas. Olfactory ganglioneuroblastoma consists of ganglion cell-like tumor cells with Schwannian stroma and neuroblast-like tumor cells. Immunohistochemically, ganglion cell-like tumor cells were immunopositive for synaptophysin, β3-tubulin, and tyrosine hydroxylase, Schwannian stroma was immunopositive for GFAP and SOX2, and neuroblast-like tumor cells were immunopositive for OLIG2, β3-tubulin, SOX2, cytokeratin AE1/AE3, and p63. The immunohistochemical results of olfactory neuroepithelia and olfactory neuroblastomas were similar to those of neuroblast-like tumor cells. These results suggest that the ganglion cell-like tumor cells in the present case have a sympathetic neuron immunophenotype, whereas neuroblast-like tumor cells have an olfactory neuroepithelial immunophenotype.