Janus monolayer ScXY (X̸=Y=Cl, Br and I) for piezoelectric and valleytronic application: a first-principle prediction.
Xiao-Shu GuoSan-Dong GuoShuo-Ning SiKai ChengKe WangYee Sin AngPublished in: Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal (2023)
Coexistence of ferromagnetism, piezoelectricity and valley in two-dimensional (2D) materials is crucial to advance multifunctional electronic technologies. Here, Janus ScXY (X̸=Y=Cl, Br and I) monolayers are predicted to be piezoelectric ferromagnetic (FM) semiconductors with dynamical, mechanical and thermal stabilities. They all show an in-plane easy axis of magnetization by calculating magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) including magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA) energy and magnetic shape anisotropy (MSA) energy. The MAE results show that they intrinsically have no spontaneous valley polarization. The predicted piezoelectric strain coefficients d11 and d31 (absolute values) are higher than ones of most 2D materials. Moreover, the d31 (absolute value) of ScClI reaches up to 1.14 pm/V, which is highly desirable for ultrathin piezoelectric device application. To obtain spontaneous valley polarization, charge doping are explored to tune the direction of magnetization of ScXY. By appropriate hole doping, their easy magnetization axis can change from in-plane to out-of-plane, resulting in spontaneous valley polarization. Taking ScBrI with 0.20 holes per f.u. as a example, under the action of an in-plane electric field, the hole carriers of K valley turn towards one edge of the sample, which will produce anomalous valley Hall effect (AVHE), and the hole carriers of Γ valley move in a straight line. These findings could pave the way for designing piezoelectric and valleytronic devices.