Undergraduate binge drinking, a well-documented problem at US institutions of higher education, has been associated with a host of negative behavioral health outcomes such as sexual assault, poor academic functioning, and mental health problems. Scholars have extensively examined individual-and institutional-level risk factors for binge drinking on campuses. However, these data have not been effectively translated into interventions to reduce rates of binge drinking. To inform the development of additional evidence-based binge-drinking prevention programs for college campuses, this paper documents the varied goals and social contexts that constitute 'binge drinking', drawing on primarily ethnographic data. By disaggregating what survey research has largely examined as a unified outcome, we offer a descriptive account of the different reasons for and contexts in which students consume alcohol in amounts that constitute binge drinking: to meet new people at parties, to socialize with close friends, when hoping to find a sexual partner, when anticipating moving to a space where alcohol is more difficult to procure, to provide a way to move between affectively different situations, to cope with stress or anxiety, and to fit in. Our discussion links these motivations to factors beyond the individual and institutional levels, and points to modifiable social factors in university life as strategy for prevention. The implication of our argument is that acknowledging and responding to the varied motivations underlying students' alcohol use is one strategy to enhance campus binge-drinking prevention.