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Healthy bladder storage and emptying functions in community-dwelling women measured by a 2-day bladder health diary.

Emily S LukaczChloe FalkeJuila Geynisman-TanJean F WymanElizabeth R MuellerAlayne D MarklandLeslie RickeyJerry L LowderKyle RudserLisa Kane LowDiane K Newmannull null
Published in: Neurourology and urodynamics (2023)
The prevalence of overall healthy bladder function was very low based on our strict definition of health as measured on a 2-day diary. However, most women had healthy voiding frequency and denied pain or urinary leakage. Postvoid dribbling and urgency most commonly contributed to an overall unhealthy bladder. Further investigation is needed to determine whether these diary derived measures are meaningful for patient-oriented bladder health research.